Discover your sacred soul plan

Discover your sacred soul plan

What can we help you with?

Our goal is to empower you to align with your highest divine power so that you find confidence and realise that you are good enough, you do know enough, and you do have all the skills you need to help others. 

We help you find your why and your higher purpose so that you can reveal you’re true glory and shine making the difference you were born to make in this world. We help you connect with your divine mission.

We support you in aligning yourself with your soul so that you can understand your soul at a multi-dimensional level and live your awakened truth.

Meet Georgie

Intuitive Coach, Quantum Oracle, and Soul Purpose Activator

Georgie Garwood awakens high-frequency souls to their true Divine Sovereignty by aligning them with their personal soul blueprint and empowering them to share their knowledge of truth, love, and unity with the world. 

Meet Georgie

Intuitive Coach, Quantum Oracle, and Soul Purpose Activator

Georgie Garwood awakens high-frequency souls to their true Divine Sovereignty by aligning them with their personal soul blueprint and empowering them to share their knowledge of truth, love, and unity with the world. 

What do our clients say?

- Salarah Starre

“I had a reading with Georgie and quite honestly it blew me away… I highly recommend this to anybody who is considering a reading because it is such a powerful pivotal point along anyone’s soul journey”

- Catherine Frenzel

“Georgie revealed me to me. Using the Soul Purpose System, she brilliantly, graciously, lovingly opened my consciousness and understanding that what I’ve taken for granted about myself is already the activation and fulfillment of my Soul Destiny. I didn’t know that I knew; and though it sounds weird to say: I am joyfully surprised by me. What Georgie told me about me has just “blown me away” (one way of putting it) and “brought me home to myself” (a simultaneous way of putting it). So, I loved everything about the reading and the reader. Georgie, you are an incredibly beautiful, loving, and lovable person, inside and out. Thank you for saying YES to your Gifts.”

- Christa & Yster

“Just as I thought I was stuck in my Ascension process, Georgie came along and opened a whole new life for my Hubby and I. Her powerful readings were 100% spot-on, mindsets cleared and re-activated to higher mind-blowing Consciousnesses. No more excuses for not knowing who we are… Thank you x3 Georgie”

It’s time to shine your light, beautiful soul!

Let’s activate and cultivate your soul mission for the New Earth

How can I support you?

Soul Plan


1-1 in-depth 80-minute soul reading.

You will receive illumination and clarity of your soul’s plan for this life. Aligning you to what you are here to experience and a realisation of your gifts and talents. You will also receive information on your energy source type which shows your multi-dimensional soul makeup over previous incarnations.

1 to 1

Intuitive Soul Coaching

1-1 soul mentoring over 6 months meeting twice a month on Zoom. This program is bespoke to meet your personal needs, supporting you on this part of your soul ascension journey and activating your soul blueprint to your highest timeline.

After Soul Plan Reading

Relationship Reading

Following on from a soul blueprint reading, a relationship reading will give you information on your sacred soul connection with your partner. The reading will highlight common threads and compatibility codes. It can also reveal your joint ascension plan bringing you both into alignment with this knowledge. The plans can also reveal a joint mission.

1-1 In-depth 60 Minute Session

Akashic Record Clearing

We can rewrite and repattern the records to a
5D timeline for our highest and greatest good. This session can help clear stuck energies in
all areas of life: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

On-Demand Events

Initiations & Activations

Purchase recordings of our most popular initiations and activations to support you through the journey of connecting with your inner wisdom and strength.

In Person


Hosting 10-12 people on our magical Devon retreat. If you would like further information, please email:

Get Started Here

Book a soul plan reading

It’s time to connect with your higher self and understand your soul at a multidimensional level.

Our community

Get Started Here

Book a soul plan reading

It’s time to connect with your higher self and understand your soul at a multidimensional level.

Our community