
- Salarah Starre - Soul Plan Reading
I had a reading with Georgie and quite honestly it blew me away… I highly recommend this to anybody who is considering a reading because it is such a powerful pivotal point along anyone’s soul journey.
- Valerie - Soul Plan Reading
After having my reading I felt it opened up a new realm in my life, a deeper understanding of myself. It has helped me move forward, made me aware of all I wish to achieve, shown me my purpose in life, why I am here. Thank you, Georgie.

- Catherine Frenzel - Soul Plan Reading
Georgie revealed me to me. Using the Soul Purpose System, she brilliantly, graciously, lovingly opened my consciousness and understanding that what I’ve taken for granted about myself is already the activation and fulfillment of my Soul Destiny. I didn’t know that I knew; and though it sounds weird to say: I am joyfully surprised by me. What Georgie told me about me has just “blown me away” (one way of putting it) and “brought me home to myself” (a simultaneous way of putting it). So, I loved everything about the reading and the reader. Georgie, you are an incredibly beautiful, loving, and lovable person, inside and out. Thank you for saying YES to your Gifts.

- Christa & Yster - Relationship Reading
Just as I thought I was stuck in my Ascension process, Georgie came along and opened a whole new life for my Hubby and I. Her powerful readings were 100% spot-on, mindsets cleared and re-activated to higher mind-blowing Consciousnesses. No more excuses for not knowing who we are… Thank you x3 Georgie
- Charlotte J - Soul Plan Reading
“I have had a few readings in my life and this is by far the most important one. To get clarity and confirmation on who I really am. Inspiring, helpful and fun! Georgie is lovely and very talented. A must have for anyone on the ascension journey.”

- Johanna Soie - Group Soul Programme
Good afternoon Georgie I hope you are well and having a lovely day. I just wanted to say a massive thank you for the soul magic course it has well and truly put me on my mission and sorted out a lot of things in my life 😀. I just wanted to let you know also where my mission is leading, I have spoken to Blue Marsden (you recommended) and I have been invited into his course to become a spiritual councillor, this is the path that I am going to take, I finally plucked up the courage to just go for it. Thank you so much Georgie I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you, you really are amazing at what you do and truly beautiful soul ❤️🙏😘.
- Greg - Soul Plan Reading
Look no further if you want authentic connection to the divine. I have personally known Georgie Garwood for 15 years. During that time we have experienced off the scale spiritual connection. Georgie’s style is far reaching and she is really able to pinpoint and address real issues. People no longer want guidance they want real spiritual connection.
That’s Georgie.

- Rea - 1 to 1 Intuitive Soul Coaching
I love working with Georgie! I always feel Georgie’s deep love, care, and compassion whenever I am in her presence. Working with Georgie in our one to one sessions has allowed me to fully grasp who I am at soul level and the gifts, talents, and goals I most resonate with. Because of this work, my inner and outer worlds have expanded exponentially, I can see and feel the transformations! I am forever grateful for my heart has been touched by Georgie’s love, kindness, and generosity. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are an angel! Rashlie
much love to you!
Diana Stewart - 1 to 1 Intuitive Soul Coaching
I’ve loved my one to one coaching sessions with Georgie and having never met her before we have grown a lovely friendship and bond over the last few months, despite only being on Zoom!
She’s inspirational, supportive, motivating and has really helped me to progress along my spiritual journey. We have become firm friends and I really hope we can meet properly and hug properly soon. Thank you Georgie for being such a wonderful guiding light.

- Brenda B - Group Soul Programme
Hi Georgie,
Thank you so much for an amazing Soul Magic course! I have learned and grown so much in just a few months! I have to say I am sorry to see it end, but now it is time for me to spread my wings and fly on my own. The course content was challenging and so helpful in getting to know my true self. Your sessions, meditations, tools, your personal access and support were all so beneficial and made the course a complete package of successful learning.
I am so grateful for having attended and made some wonderful Soul Mates in the process.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💕
Lots of love and gratitude
Brenda xoxo
Soul Plan Reading
I shared with my family last night about my experience with you and I have to say I have had many readings and this one really resonated so much! My husband is going to listen with me today as I take a few notes and pull all the aspects together. He finds some of it hard to believe, but he follows along and accepts-I am so grateful for his open mind ❤.

- Nick Lane - Soul Plan Reading
Thank you so much for sending this through, I have listened back a couple of times now and it still blows me away. This has set me on a path of determination and I’m honestly so grateful for the information you shared on that session, it really was an incredible experience.
I also appreciate the daily energy management and protection document, there are a few protocols in there that I had not been doing. I have found this very useful, thank you.
Tara North – 1 to 1 Soul Programme
I have been working with Georgie on the One to One Soul Programme for a few months. Georgie is a warm hearted, kind and caring person – who listens to my needs and works hard to make the programme completely individual for me.
She has worked on every aspect of my soul and has given me a new sense of clarity, purpose and courage. I feel through doing this work I am now able to pinpoint the areas of my life which need the most attention and those which will bring the most joy and fulfilment to my life journey.
I feel more confident and able to make clearer decisions as I embrace what lies ahead. Georgie has helped me to set boundaries both within my life and with others.
Working with Georgie has given me the confidence to take the next steps with renewed excitement and passion.
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It’s time to connect with your higher self and understand your soul at a multidimensional level.

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It’s time to connect with your higher self and understand your soul at a multidimensional level.